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Writer's pictureRobyn Payne

Teaching for the Real World

Back in 1893, a committee made the decision to shift the education world from agriculture to manufacturing because they foreseen the future. They knew that students would need to have the skills that the future world demanded. Skills such as, following instructions efficiently with little to no errors and the same routine tasks over and over again. The committee knew that these skills would lead to these future employees holding great manufacturing jobs. They were right. This shift led to America being the top country in the world and the middle class excelled! (Dintersmith, 2020)

However, the 20th century committee did not take note. We are still relying on the manufacturing education system in 2023. Education in America has not shifted to a new approach like we once did. This is, unfortunately, resulting in our students being left behind as well.

We need to shift our education system to where we are and are headed in the future. We need innovation, creativity, and boldness. We need to prepare our students for relevant life experiences rather than irrelevant routine tasks. Those manufacturing jobs are disappearing at this very moment and will be gone in the near future. So why are we still teaching an education model that only prepares our students for these types of jobs? This is going to lead to millions of students being unemployable. (Dintersmith, 2020)

Have a listen.


Dintersmith, T. (2020, August 21). Why schools should teach for the real world.

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