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Plan For Effective Professional Learning

Professional learning opportunities in the past all seem to be the same sit-and-get, one-day lecture. Most of them seem to be on a day outside of contract hours or in the afternoon, again outside contract hours. This already creates frustration among the audience, as teachers do enough outside of contract hours, that adding training to our plate is just the cherry on top. We need to change how and when we are delivering these learning opportunities for our teachers to feel valued, supported, and engaged. This will allow them to gain much more knowledge from the learning experience and therefore make a greater impact on our learners. 


Our students deserve the best up-to-date practices to increase their skills for the 21st century. The only way to ensure that all learners get these best practices is to create professional learning opportunities where educators are engaged, interested, and valued. Professional learning should also not be a one-size-fits-all process. It should be unique to specific levels so that it is not a waste of time for teachers. 

In my plan below you will find that I have included all of these details and more to ensure that the professional learning opportunity that I am providing will be engaging and useful. In other words, it will connect dots instead of merely collecting dots



  • I will meet with teachers for 8 days for the initial training to ensure time for understanding of pedagogy practices, modeling, and planning the new practices.

  • I will provide ongoing training throughout the year.

  • Continued refresher training each year after 

  • After the first year of implementation, mentor teachers will provide new teachers with ongoing training throughout the year. 

  • I will provide the 8-day initial training for all new teachers each year to ensure they have time to learn the pedagogy and plan. Mentor teachers will take over the training after the 8-day initial training I provide. 


  • I will provide planning support to teachers to ensure that they are not overwhelmed in this process. 

  • Provide modeling opportunities from mentors for new teachers.

  • Provide ongoing coaching to teachers who need clarification of pedagogy practices.

Initial Exposure​:

  • Active, hands-on training for teachers

  • All teachers will be provided with training on PBL 


  • Modeling will be provided during initial training

  • Ongoing modeling will be provided inside classrooms for new teachers to observe mentor teachers.


  • Training will be content and level-specific

  • Training will provide time for content and grade-level-specific planning.


This plan will continue to be used for the upcoming years. This will ensure that all teachers receive the same training, opportunities, and support. 


The learners will be provided with a template based on Fink's 3-column table to plan their backward design after they develop their BHAG.


Resources needed:



3-Column Table template



Course resources


Google Sites

Google Classroom


Fostering Collaboration

I will foster collaboration by encouraging learners to collaborate during all phases of the learning process and provide ample opportunities to have discussions during the training. 

Facilitators & Mentors

I will act as the facilitator during the initial training and all first-year training. After mentor teachers finish the 6-week course, they will model and provide support for new teachers. After the first year, mentor teachers will lead training (other than initial training) for their mentees. 


My audience will be 3rd-5th grade math teachers since they teach the same subject as me and we could all benefit from PBL and ePortfolios. After the first year, we will expand to other subjects such as ELAR. 


Course Timeline

Week 1

  • Welcome/Intro

  • Call to Action

  • Why

  • What

  • Schedule

  • Participants/Facilitators

Week 2

Week 3

  • Create an About Me Page

  • Benefits of ePortfolios in education

  • Make first blog post

  • Peer Feedback 

  • Revise and Tweak

Week 4

  • Share ePortfolio links in Google Classroom feed

  • Create your "Why" page

  • Brainstorm and discuss projects that you could use ePortfolios for in your classroom

  • Discuss with the table group

  • Create a blog post discussing how you can utilize ePortfolios in your classroom.

Week 5

  • Discuss any issues or concerns 

  • Create a page of your choice

  • Model how to upload images and videos

  • Upload a video to your weekly blog post

Week 6

  • Discuss any issues or concerns 

  • Provide feedback to at least two others 

  • Tweak and revise as necessary

  • Create a blog post discussing how students providing feedback and reflecting on work can benefit your classroom. 

Teachers will be provided with a hub to access resources and teacher-shared ideas. They can also add their ideas to the hub as well. They will also be provided with a forumn to ask any questions and get help when they need it. 

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