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PBL Professional Learning

In my current course, I was tasked with creating a professional learning course to present to my colleagues. My course covers how to successfully implement Project-Based Learning to create an authentic learning environment for students to have a voice and choice in their learning. With that in mind, I created my course to model this expectation. The course allows educators to have a voice and choice in their learning as they take the lead and I step back as a facilitator and guide more than a teacher or instructor. By allowing my colleagues to create, problem-solve, and encourage collaboration, I am further modeling how they will implement PBL units for their students.

The course is not a sit-and-get course but rather a show-and-go course as learners are implementing what they are planning and doing. This is what authentic learning is after all. The course is also not a one-and-done course. It rolls out in 5 modules that take place over 8 weeks. Full support and collaboration with colleagues are encouraged along the way for learners to access and share any useful information, resources, and help. 

My targeted audience is 3rd-5th grade teachers at my school. We will meet virtually one day a week to cover the current module and reflect on our journey. Learners will also create and update their e-portfolios to showcase their journey and learn how e-portfolios can be used with students. The video below answers some vital questions about my course.


Upon designing this course I conducted a usability test with my 4th-grade team. Three of my team members entered my course as though they were going to take it. They went through the beginning modules and then provided me with feedback on their thoughts. 

Watch the videos below to learn how I designed, implemented, and tested the usability of my course. 



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I am so excited to implement this PBL journey with my colleagues. I cannot wait to see the collaboration, inspiration, and ultimately transformation that will take place in the coming months. I know that our students deserve the best learning experiences possible and the proof is in the pudding. The research behind the Project-Based Learning Model shows that engagement, collaboration, and achievement will skyrocket when the core subjects are encompassed with PBL. Additionally, I have a plethora of my own research-based information showing that project-based Learning is the way to go when it comes to creating an authentic learning environment. Let's prepare our students for life outside of the four walls, and give them the leading edge in the real world. 





Assessing the Effect of ML-PBL Curriculum | MLPBL Project. (2023).

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