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InnovatED Podcast

InnovatED Podcast Episode 1
00:00 / 20:46

Let me be one of the first to introduce you to InnovatED Podcast. This podcast consists of four veteran teachers, Tosha, Robyn, Samantha, and Mistee. Despite all these years in the classroom, we want to grow and learn just like the newbies! We believe that there is always room for improvement and learning never stops. In this podcast, you can learn about our latest projects in the Applied Digital Learning graduate program at Lamar University and much more as we chit-chat about teacher life. We would love it if you would give us a listen and check back frequently for our next episode! 


In this episode of the InnovatED Podcast, Mistee, Tosha, Samantha, and Robyn speak about their recent articles regarding their latest innovation projects and topics that are heavy on their heart. Up first we hear about Robyn's article, Microschooling for the 21st Century Learner. Robyn explains a bit about what microschooling is, why parents would consider it, why teachers would like it, and many more of the benefits of microschooling as well as some of the pitfalls of traditional schooling. Next, we learn about Tosha's latest article, Digital Project Based Learning Writing/Art Connections, which informs readers of her innovative project of bringing digital project-based learning into her special education classroom. This is a fantastic initiative that she is calling for the backing of fellow teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders. Following Tosha's great ideas we have Mistee who is also embarking on a wonderfully innovative journey to bring e-portfolios into her ELA classroom for her students to take ownership of their learning. Mistee points out some of the many benefits of e-portfolios that are highlighted in her article, Unveiling Potential: Harnessing Eportfolios in the ELA Classroom. Last but not least, we have Samantha who is a dance teacher. She compellingly speaks about her initiative of implementing e-portfolios into her dance class. She also speaks about her article, How Implementing ePortfolios in Dance Classrooms Can Enhance Authentic Creativity, Collaboration, and Accountability, which explains how e-portfolios can prepare her dancers for their future by instilling literacy into them will be critical for success in the real world. Following each of their article summaries, the ladies chit-chat about advice that they would give to other teachers looking to implement some kind of innovation project into their classroom or school. Here they highlight the importance of the growth mindset and giving yourself grace. 


Again, I invite you to read my article Microschooling for the 21st Century Learner, where I highlight the many benefits, including the flexibility to further implement my innovation project of bringing project-based learning into my classroom. 

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