In this 5304 and 5302, I believe I have earned a score of 85 out of 100. My rationale for this is that I met all of the key contributions and supporting contributions. I actively tried to maintain a growth mindset, collaborated with my partner on the growth mindset plan, wrote multiple sections, participated in all discussions, and met the deadlines in a timely manner.
Developing a growth mindset was tough and I am not sure that I can totally claim to have a growth mindset. I know I can always have room for improvement. I partnered with Samantha. We worked together last semester as well and she is a great partner to have. We frequently discussed all the assignments and gave each peer feedback. I always implemented my peer feedback as she made it better. We also discussed the course materials and how we could implement a true growth mindset. We also discussed our learning manifestos and our “whys”. She is a great collaborator. However, next semester I am going to work hard to join a larger group with her so we can gain even more collaboration knowledge from other peers.
I do believe I have grown through this course and plan to continue growing in the area of time management. I would have liked to collaborate with more people, but after getting off of work, kids cheer and dance practice, cooking dinner, and just getting ready for the next day, I was drained. This is my whirlwind and something that I know I need to really prioritize in order to do things more efficiently. I also would like to continue improving my skills in making revisions in a more timely manner. That will be one of the last things I have to do to change my learning from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. My learning manifesto and growth mindset plan that I have created in the courses are linked below. I am really proud of myself for creating these plans and manifesto. I take great pride in my work and love to share whenever possible. I never thought I would be a content creator but I truly feel as thought I am now. I love this and really enjoy being able to post on my blog. However, that is another area for improvement for me. I know I need to be posting more content in order to make my e-portfolio better. I need to prioritize time in the next half of the semester to do this. I am going to make a plan and set days to make posts. I also plan to make a journal of ideas for post. So many times I am in class and a great post idea pops in my head but by the time I make it through the day it has totally left my brain. If I have a journal with me to jot the ideas down, I can be sure that I will remember to post these notions.
The assignments in these courses gave me a truly different perspective on my life. They taught me how to come out of my shell and truly be a leader who can develop a change in my working environment. I am usually a shy introvert. However, knowing how to efficiently bring about change gives me the confidence that I needed in order to see the change I want to happen. The Four Disciplines and Influencer books gave me a great deal kf knowledge and tips on how to go about these changes. The Growth Mindset plan that I developed has already been put to use in my classroom. My students tell each other that they are growing neurons if a they mess up. Better yet, they tell their classmates this while encouraging them after they witness them make a mistake. Using the growth mindset in my classroom at all times with my students has positively changed my students learning environment.